
Posts Tagged ‘AOL’

They are all out to get me.

Last week, my aol email was hacked. I paid for AOL for years and finally dropped the paid part maybe two years ago. This was after my web page got hacked and AOL cut me off from receiving mail because they thought I was sending out spam. The really dumb thing though, was I was spamming myself. Someone had hacked my website and was sending out spam with it’s domain name. That was two years ago.

My new free AOL email picked up that I had been hacked, this week, almost before I did, shut down my email, so it would stop sending hacked mail out to people in my address book, and told me how to restore my mail. COOL! I do seem to have more spam than normal though.

Today, Mariam Hommed needed my help; qxewpdtauc wanted me to go to their online pharmacy, (You should really learn some spelling in the language you are trying to spam); the WESTERN UNION LOTTERY apparently has a prize for me; Dr. Ma Weihua has a proposal for me and Mrs. Stephen Clark has $850,000 USD. Not sure what she wants me to do about that but I’m not opening it to find out.

AND, to top it all off, I have a three inch diameter spider loose in the house. It is only a “fishing spider” but may eat away skin at the site of the bite. I give up, I’m sleeping in the car tonight.

Fishing Spider courtesy of Insects.org

This is a fishing spider, courtesy of Insects.org

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I am on AOL dial-up.  The price is right, at $10.00 a month, and it really does not matter.  I am one of those rural people who is waiting to catch up to the 21st century.  Our phone lines, literally, become party lines when it rains.  There is no high speed.

You can be on the phone and hear a neighbors phone dialing, then the neighbor talking about their son being arrested.  Seems to me that AT&T is breaking some privacy law by not fixing it.  I’ve tried everything else to get it fixed, maybe that will work??? I doubt it.

A friend emailed me the other day. 

Your AOL email response has really messed up my computer!
The whole thing has slowed down to a crawl. I did a Spybot cleanup and rebooted, but now my browzer is AOL, there is some kind of AIM Buddy program running my screens, Mozilla Firefox has taken over the PC and even my task bar and desktop are messed up with AOL stuff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Please don’t respond to my emails using AOL.  Could you please contact AOL and get then to stop this kind of thing?”

Okay, what dream world does he live in that he thinks that AOL will actually listen to me and fix this issue?  First, no one else, that I have emailed, has complained.  Second, I have a virus scan that runs every time I go online.  Thus making it necessary for me to turn it on and go do dishes as it devours all my RAM.  But, ensuring it is not a virus.    Third, $10 a month!!! Do you think AOL really cares what I say?

The next day, I got this email.

I’m back on line!
It took a few hours but I was able to removed all of the AOL and Foxfire stuff, clean out the cookies, remove the desktop and kill the startup file programs.
 Anyway, I’ve never had problems with email from Hotmail (Microsoft), so could you please create a hotmail account  and write back?  It’s free, too.”

I agree with almost everything he says.  AOL had to do some community service recently for adding stuff to the email, so I really do not know what this was about, but since I cannot write him back, I thought I would let him know on my blog.

I currently have one website, three blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace.  All of which have passwords.  That does not count the bank, Barnes & Noble, the pharmacy and I am just at the B’s.  I counted and I am up to 23 passwords and I am in the C’s.   I am at password overload. 

You are not supposed to use one password, nor use anything that might be public knowledge (birthdays, kids names, etc), nor keep them written down (YEAH RIGHT!).  I did see a neat trick about doing it with your keyboard.  I figure that since I saw it on CNN, then so did all the creeps who steal stuff, so what good is that?

Anyway, Jes, next time I can get on my website email (it did not work yesterday), I will write.  Just don’t hold your breath waiting for AOL to listen to me.

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I have found the coolest blog.  

(AND, i will share it with you once I get this %##%# font thing worked out.  Sorry, if you are trying to read it and I am constantly “fixing” it; and then there is the little matter of AOL cutting me off constantly. )

But, isn’t it neat when you feel like you have made a major “world shattering” discovery, right at your own computer? 

 I stumbled across Mr. Barlow’s Blog yesterday morning.  It wasn’t really too far of a fall, since WordPress featured it on their front page and I was able to click it before it flipped to some other “featured” blog.

 This guy’s got some Seriously interesting stuff on his site.

Like this: A “water bear” who can survive in space. He is the first known animal to be able to do so, although I think calling him an animal is a bit of a stretch. I also think Mattel should make a “Water Bear” toy for Christmas consumption.

He’s an adorable little guy really.

And, as if that isn’t enough, it is confirmed that people tend to marry people who resemble their mother. This brings up a whole set of: mother-in-law jokes, Freudian Psychology and eHarmony. 


Have you ever noticed on eHarmony’s “successful matches” advertisements that the couples look more like brother and sister than anything? I have always suspected that we tend to marry is probably doomed to failure.  
Trust me on this one.


Okay, it is noon , and I just reread this post and TALK ABOUT FREUDIAN SLIPS!!!  I’m not even sure, what I was trying to say with that sentence about marriage and “doomed to failure.”   I did notice once though that my husband, other than having blond hair instead of dark hair, was the spitting image of an ex-boyfriend.


And, I think that what I meant was that successfully married people often resemble each other.  I shall go now and bang my head on the wall.

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I’m an artist, right? Everyone knows that an artist is right brained. There’s even a book for Learn to Draw: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain; (it’s a good book, by the way) of course, I think it’s meant for left brained people because right brained people have a bit better instinct to use the techniques in the book. But, what the heck.


So, when I saw AOL’s Are You a Right- or Left-Brain Thinker? – AOL Find a Job knowing that Answer Can Help you Succeed at work,  I thought, good way to waste a few minutes.


As the overly made-up woman on the insurance commercial says, “SURPRISE!”


1. Are you better at math and science than art and literature?

They are asking this of the person who, when forced to take a twenty-nine page math placement test in college, answered four questions, flipped through five pages (They only get harder people, don’t even look.) and took the test (after 10 minutes of the three hour test) up to the teacher and said, “No point wasting your time or mine here.” And left.


YUP! Right-brained.


     It kind of went downhill from there. I’m both brained in “Do you love playing sports outdoors or staying indoors reading?” It’s good to know I am fully brained, I suppose, but there wasn’t a slot for my preference, reading a book outside. I’m not really sure how they even came up with those being right brained anyway? Guess artists painting landscapes confused them.


     Drawing, Picture directions, relationship problems, writing fiction are all right brained.


     Reading, verbal communication (over physical communication – Be more specific on the type of physical communication please), being a loner (definitely), information details and quiet (I’m the queen of quiet) are all left brain.


     I think I’ll skip the next quiz: “What your desk says about you.”  Even if it’s right, I don’t want to know.


My current “Table-Mate” desk: 








My abandoned desk: Wonder why I abandoned it??

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