
Archive for the ‘Halloween’ Category

We do not have any pets, at this time, but in October, every year, a black cat hangs around our yard, and likes to groom itself on our car, obviously.

This was my view out the kitchen window this morning.

Black cat grooming on the car

Happy Halloween everyone!

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We do not get one single trick or treater. I guess no one wants to risk our 400 foot long driveway, when the trees even hide the fact that the house is lit up or not. I really miss Halloween decorating though.

And, I would so do this, if anyone could actually see my house.

Is this the spookiest fun house or what?

Photo courtesy of Sean Fallon, I think.  I actually made a copy because I want to do it some day in the future.

After the boys moved in, I always wanted to have a Halloween party for them and their friends.  They are now 19 and 22, and almost 25.  The 22 year old was just home from Afghanistan and sat in a chair, fully costumed, in a dark room, for a half hour as he waited for his two brothers to get home.

I’m a nut for halloween, and never had a bad experience trick or treating, like http://toddpack.com/2011/10/27/the-worst-halloween-ever-or-the-night-a-girl-and-her-mom-stole-my-candy/#comment-6810.

When I was growing up, we lived in a rural area.  We always had pumpkins on our porch and trick or treaters.  Those kids had some walking to do, I’ll tell you.  Mom and Dad were square dancers and dressed up in awesome costumes every year, but not for the trick or treaters.  When I was young, dad drove me into the nearest town.  I loved it.

I was watched, like a hawk anytime I was outside and it was such a neat feeling to be out after dark and around tons of kids and running and laughing with some new friend.  I even remember the year I fell in love with Zorrow, or was that Zorro?  I don’t know how to spell it and I don’t know who he was but his ?ten/twelve year old self was just as appealing to me as Antonio Banderas is now.

Who knows, maybe it was Antonio????

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Adorable great nephew with pumpkin carved by his dad.

I love Halloween.  What’s not to love about a holiday that lets you run around after dark, eat chocolate and dress in a costume, and I just had to ask permission to post this picture, from my nephew, because it is just the cutest picture on earth  today.

Beside the adorable baby, in the picture above, we have an awesomely carved pumpkin eating a pumpkin.  That should win an award somewhere. Obviously, I am proud of my great nephew and lovely significant other, sorry I did not mention you earlier.  You are a dear and should not be forgotten.

Since I am totally messed up as far as my photos (Yes, rubbermaids full that I am sorting), I am posting a couple of Halloween pictures that are not of the best quality but at least new to this blog.  I would like to post the one of my Master’s Daughter, who I first took trick or treating when she was eight months old, but who knows which Rubbermaid it is in?

joe josh in costume small

EMT Dragon and Gaffer Knight

You have seen this dragon costume last year when it was a photo of my oldest grandson and his mother, my Master’s Daughter, who created some fantastic costumes for her boys and let her nephews borrow them.

EMT, Jake and Gaffer when little

And, even when their aunt did not supply costumes, they found a way to create them.  This is EMT, Jake in the middle and Gaffer to the right.  The goal was to create armor out of blue jeans. 

joe in jeans costume small

EMT, many years ago, in full body “blue jean” armor

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

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