
Posts Tagged ‘Wikipedia’

Just for the heck of it I did a search on “Da Region.”  For those of you not in the know, “Da Region” is where I grew up.  It is noted for steel mills, brown skies, people who literally spend their whole lives without leaving a few block area, and one of the most beautiful parks in the country; the Dunes State Park.

“Da Region” meaning The Region, is what it would be, and was, called on late night talk shows.  It depicts our supposed accent; which I obviously do not hear in myself but surprisingly can hear on my husband.  He grew up in Hessville/Hammond, and thus worked in the mills and breathed in much more brown air, than I did, who grew up in Calumet Township where I thought I lived in the country; because it was termed “semi-rural.”

Apparently we speak the Inland North Dialect, whereas the rest of Indiana speaks the Midland dialect.  All I know is that south of Indy, people speak a southern dialect that has been known to drive northern people to pull their hair out. 

 The Region is actually a huge area and you can find it on Wikipedia.  Northwest Indiana – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Thus proving that almost everything is on Wikipedia.  Gary is the largest city in The Region.

We lived in Calumet Township.  I attended and graduated from Calumet High School.  My father build our house on Ross Road and our address was Gary but, when we traveled on vacation, my father would not allow me to tell people I came from Gary.  My father, sweet man that he was, was also an insecure bigot.   It was odd though having a city address, when we lived semi-rural.  There was farm land in back of us (much to my mother’s chagrin as farm land means plowing and plowing means dust).  The half acre lots on each side of us were vacant, so that was even less like being in a town type setting. 

Anyway, The Region is also called The Calumet Region and is Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Newton and Jasper Counties in Indiana.  It neighbors Lake Michigan and is actually part of the Chicago Metropolitan Area.  I am not sure how they consider Crown Point to be a Chicago suburb, but they do.  I believe, at this point, it is all city from Chicago out to Valparaiso.

The heavy industry of the area provided jobs, which brought relatives who could not get a job where they were, and populated the area.  Steel mills and oil refinerys fill the landscape with depressing steel buildings and nose holding smells all along Burns Harbor and East Chicago to Gary and Portage.  I rarely saw them.  My father worked in East Chicago, at Combustion Engineering but his philosophy about travel to Chicago was, “I never lost anything there, so whey should I go get it.” 

Okay, he was not real big on logic either.  Other than an occasional school trip, I did not spend any time in Chicago, only thirty miles from my home, until I was grown.  Then, I fell in love with the city and worked for approximately twelve years there, and went to five years of college there.  I’m a woodland girl, at heart, but really do love Chicago.

And, I really love the Dunes State Park.  But, that’s for another blog, as is the reason I started to write this one and got rather sidetracked.  That is:  going back or finding one’s youth again through high school friends, or not.  I have not written it so I have no idea where I am going.  What’s new?

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I am used to any number of hits, on any given day, for Viggo Mortensen and his girlfriend.  Half of the world is hoping that there is no girlfriend.  The other half is wishing they were his girlfriend.  He is a popular guy, and I refuse to say which camp I belong in. 

The other big searches, for my blog, involve my series on teaching Chemistry of Photography, pinhole cameras, etc.  I also oversee my mothers poetry blog (see link on side bar if you are interested) and once made the totally innocent post of putting a poem up about After Holiday Sales on the day after Thanksgiving.  Honest, I was not trying to inflate her numbers, but it sure did.  That day she had over four hundred, probably frustrated and angry hits, by people who thought they were going to find a bargain, but found poetry instead. 

Here is a recent high day for my blog:

Title Views  
Have we all learned our lesson now? 48 More stats
Viggo Mortensen – 99.9% perfect 5 More stats
Top 100 Hit Songs of 1966 4 More stats
Film Canister Pin Hole Camera 2 More stats
FLDS-Freedom to Abuse 1 More stats
Pringles Can Pinhole Cameras 1 More stats
We have an exciting future ahead of us! 1 More stats
Let’s Play: Boys Rooms! or DID YOU KNOW 1 More stats
Do brother-in-laws have the right of fre 1 More stats
I get attached to television news people 1 More stats
The difference between boys and girls 1 More stats
Butt Ugly Running Shoes

However, on May 8th, searches for the same terms, just worded a bit different, lead over thirty people to my blog.  Or, one person landed at my blog thirty times and I just cannot figure out if this was the result of something like a treasure hunt, or question on a radio station, for tickets,  or what.  Because why would thirty people have the overwhelming urge to search for “….a rock,  song 1966” or some version of that, on the exact same day?  What is it with that??? 

It’s not that I don’t appreciate the stop-bys, it is just a bit strange .  So, as a public service announcement, I am putting a link to I Am a Rock – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, where you can learn a lot about “I Am a Rock.”  This is a is a cool song by Simon and Garfunkel.  But then, most of their songs are.

This is a what my search terms for that day looked like:  Wierd!

a rock 1966 hit song 6
a rock, 1966 hit song 3
1966 hit song ” a rock” 3
” a rock” 1966 hit song 2
– a rock, 1966 hit song 1
writing a speech from brother to brother 1
chemistry of photography 1
1966 hit song rock 1
1966 hit song “..a rock” 1
1966 hit song ” a rock 1
“? a rock” 1966 hit song 1
” hit songs of 1966″ 1
” a rock”; 1966 hit song 1
1966 hit song, ____a rock 1
beatles songs vietnam war 1
“i am a rock” hit song in 1966 1
song “. . . a rock” 1966 hit 1
what is a 1966 hit song with a rock 1
a rock: 1966 hit song 1
” a rock;” 1966 hit song 1
1966 hit songs a rock 1
1966 hit song ….of rock 1
like a rock a 1966 hit song 1
“——–a rock” 1966 hit song 1
chihuahuas go out rain 1

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I would have posted a new picture of my bag of worms problem but it has become traumatic enough that I am not going near that tree again.  Husband and youngest boy are set to go out to cut the four branches the bags are on and, I hate to say this as it is so cruel, but burn them.  The Internet advised stepping on them and that just doesn’t sound much more humane.

So, to decide the time of day when most of them are in their bag and not making a train track too and fro munching the tree, I have made a couple of treks out to the tree to see how active they are. 

When I let Irritating Little Chihuahua out the other night before bed, in the dark, I took my trusty flashlight to take a look.  I was fully expecting the critters, who are not supposed to like the colder weather, to be all fast asleep tucked in their bag.  I wanted to see how full it was.

Here is where I would love to show you a picture but I am so freaked out by these things that I was not going near that tree again.  The worms were all out of their nest, making repairs.  I only know this because Wikipedia told me that they do that.  What I saw was gazillions of wormy things crawling all over the outside of the bag. 

Now, I do not mind spiders, or just about any other bug or critter.  I’m not a girly-girl screamer.  I do not call for other people to smash things for me.  And, just about the only thing I smash is the black wasps, and their relatives, who make me swell up and stick a hypodermic needle in my leg.  I figure, it’s either them or me and so feel justified in smashing them.

So, the night that I saw these wormy things crawling all over their bag, outside of it, on my tree, I shivered, brought the dog in and went to bed.  I do seem to remember thinking to myself, “now that’s a nightmare waiting to happen.”  Little did I know.

About 1:00am, middle son arrives home and nearly silently went to bed.  I however, woke up, sort of, jumped out of bed, brushing imaginary worms off my arms and looked down at the floor, next to my bed, to hallucinate a bag of worms, complete with worms crawling all over the outside of it.  And, excuse my lack of punctuation skills on that sentence but I am not revisiting it to correct it.  I let out a yelp.  Middle EMT son calls me on the cell phone to check on me.  I ask him where he is, having no idea he has returned home.  He says he is downstairs.  I go back to bed.

Determined to:

  1. Stay away from the danged tree and it’s bags of worms
  2. Stay off the Melatonin
  3. Kill JCountry, youngest son, if he so much as brings one worm in the house or buys a bag of gummy worms, as he has promised to do, and put them beside my bed.

This is all so embarrassing and I may need to seek help for my Eastern Bag/Web/whatever worm fear.  Imagine this bag with a bazillion of those freaky little caterpillars crawling all over it in the dark.

worm bag

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 I love Inside the Actors Studio .   Which, by the way, this website (the one I found) has not been updated since April of 2007.


At the end of every interview, James Lipton  asks the following questions, based on French television personality Bernard Pivot, after the Proust Questionnaire – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, which is actually much longer.


So, I get to play “pretend actor” and answer the questions today.



The ten questions Lipton asks are:



1.     What is your favorite word?   Knowledge

2.     What is your least favorite word?   Adjunct – just say it, it’s an ugly word and it’s an insulting term: “a thing added to something else, but secondary or not essential to it.”  I mean, no one wants to be considered “not essential.”

3.     What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?  Being out of doors/outside

4.     What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally? narrow minded bigots (DEFINED: All Bigots are narrow minded.  But, all narrow minded people are not bigots. Either one turns me off.)

5.     What sound or noise do you love?   Musical Instruments and ‘ flat’ notes

6.     What sound or noise do you hate?    Complaining (Gosh, I should have eliminated all those posts about my move.)

7.     What is your favorite curse word?    Shit

8.     What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?   Classical Musician

9.     What profession would you not like to do?   Being stuck in an office.

10.    If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?   “You are so right.  I could never be that mean.”

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I finally looked up meme. It was driving me nuts and I could never figure out its pronunciation and did not know its meaning. So, using my trusty  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, I found out that it was pronounced like gene.  Okay, now I know that and understand it is like a virus that spreads, replicating itself or dying out.  This meme is one at Half Full or Half Empty.  Actually, I found it first and then looked up meme.



You can only use one word to answer each of the questions.  No explanations.

  1. Yourself:  artistic
  2. Your Spouse:  talkative
  3. Your Hair:  wavy
  4. Your Mother:  Sweet
  5. Your Father:  deceased
  6. Your Favorite Item: Pencil 
  7. Your Second Favorite Item:  Camera   (Hey, there’s always a way)
  8. Your Dream Last Night: Unsatisfying
  9. Your Favorite Drink:  Baileys
  10. Your Dream Car:  Motorcycle
  11. The Room You Are In:  stuffy
  12. Your Ex: Good – Evil – Stupid (3 exes = they each get their own word)  
  13. Your Fear:  Landing
  14. What You Want To Be In Ten Years:  Published
  15. Who You Hung Out With Last Night:  Chihuahua
  16. What You Are Not:  Satisfied
  17. Muffins:  wholesome
  18. One of Your Wish List Items:  love
  19. Time:  Afternoon
  20. The Last Thing You Did:  Walk
  21. What You Are Wearing:  Jeans
  22. Your Favorite Weather:  Autumn
  23. Your Favorite Book:  Lots
  24. The Last Thing You Ate:  Tomato
  25. Your Life:  Quiet
  26. Your Mood:  Hopeful 
  27. Your Best Friend:  Gone
  28. What You’re Thinking About Right Now:  World
  29. Your Car:  Voyager
  30. What You Are Doing At The Moment:  Resting
  31. Your Summer:  Calm
  32. Your Relationship Status:  Caregiver
  33. What Is On Your TV:  CNN
  34. What Is The Weather Like:  Warm
  35. When Was The Last Time You Laughed:  Today


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I was reading the comments on Master Daughter’s Blog this evening. And, had to give a shiver at one. Talisman, with his ADD comment, seems to have “foreseen” this post I was working on this morning, but had not posted yet.

I grew up in the television age and now live in the Internet age.  I remember placing my children in front of Sesame Street, as I made the morning doughnuts. Actually, I did make doughnuts, not every morning and certainly not for the healthiest of breakfasts, but I was playing June Cleever at the time.

One daughter, sat quietly and watched tv, soaking up all the information being fed to her. Expanding her brain, and her hips. She is my Master’s Daughter, who would still rather sit and read, knit or Blog, and who spends her summers off from teaching gifted sixth graders, by studying the life cycle of eggs or looking at tomatoes under an electron microscope, whilst wearing a space suit and a badge with a light that goes off right before she becomes supercharged and loses all her calcium. If you need an explanation, Shame on you! You haven’t been reading the most hilarious blog in the universe. http://Braindebris.WordPress.com At least I got it right that time.

The other daughter, sat, not quietly, using the hassock as a jungle gym. She spent the rest of her childhood being pulled by a dog while wearing roller skates (She wore the roller skates, not the dog). I believe she even took showers in those roller skates and delighted in standing on her head and waving her feet in front of the television, thus driving her Master’s sister to push her into the cabinet; (as in “push in and shut the door”)  on a daily basis.

Wikipedia, my favorite source for information, tells us that a study of 2,600 children, ages 1 to 3, in 2004 found that exposure to television may affect their attention span and that internet browsing may also. Attention span – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In looking at my two daughters, I have to say that our family has disproved this notion. Master’s Daughter, the tv watcher, attended college as an adult, graduated with honors and a Master’s degree; all while raising three sons and Super-Sized husband. (For those of you not in the know, supersized husband is very tall  (at least compared to me), and has many traits of a man reverting to the age of twelve; thus becoming her fourth child. It takes a lot of attention span to keep up with that.

Daughter, who has eleven children, has floated most of her life. I do believe she still wants her roller skates back, but don’t we all and, perhaps, from what little tv she watched may have come the tendency to believe and do anything her husband tells her; thus she is clearly having a problem thinking for herself. Is ADD to blame? Certainly the number of children she has shows concentration in one aspect of her life. And, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love and adore all the munchkins and miss them terribly.

 To take this study one step further, I went to Psychology Today and took their Attention Span Test. Psychology Today: Self Tests. My family, when growing up, had the first television on the block. My father was addicted from the first time he turned that dial on. He took a night correspondence television repair course, well it could have been done by day too, most correspondence courses are somewhat flexible that way, but he worked for Combustion Engineering during the day.

As children from other houses in our neighborhood took home the word of how wonderful this invention was, that the VanVleck’s have, and nagged their families into purchasing a television, my dad became the man to call when it didn’t work right. His move, to retire to Arkansas, saw the largest bonfire in Lake County, Indiana, as we burned the television cabinets he had saved for years, over a two day period.

I felt that I was a good test sample to see if television may have affected my attention span, so I took Psychology Today’s test. (from the link above). This is their report to me:          “According to your score, you sometimes have difficulty maintaining your focus on a task and following it through until completion. People who have short attention spans tend to jump from project to project and are often known to be quite disorganized. This frequently results in missed deadlines, tardiness, and bills being paid late. “

I have never paid a bill late, well hardly ever, I do not miss deadlines and I am rarely tardy. However, I do have a problem with jumping from project to project. A Big problem.

Right now, I have so many projects either started or half done, that I could live to be two hundred and probably never finish them: quilt squares for Master Daughter, quilt for someone undecided (almost finished for ten years now), a quilt for each grandchild (most are already designed with fabric purchased, photo albums for each grandchild (pictures are sorted), sweater for husband (have yarn), endless photos to create paintings from (my new project involves shadows. That way I have an excuse to take more pictures, to put off more painting.), I have a garden sized gorilla just started in my ceramics studio and a project on women’s perception of beauty well underway. Add to that the desperate need to get the house organized and I’m looking at a life sentence here.  And, those darn “knit in the round” socks are cast on for the third time. One Mystery novel needs major editing and revision. One children’s picture book just needs to be put in order to send out.

However, I have just spent the last two plus years working daily on my Young Adult novel and I have fifty pages left of my fifth edit. I’m already crafting my query letter to agents and editors, and I have started a sketchbook that will, hopefully add interest-even if they give this to a book artist for illustrations, because it is a fantasy and maps and details are nice for kids to look at.  SO, when it is important enough, I can finish a project. Should we withhold judgment on that until the book is in the hands of a publisher? I need to also mention that it may take major surgery to make me finish a project, as that is how I started this one.

I have been a computer buff since the KAYPRO. They say the Internet also lowers attention span. If anything, it has helped mine as I tend to click too quickly and miss all kinds of stuff. Like on WordPress, the front page changes by the second. I’ll never know now, since I clicked too fast at sign on: just what kind of haircut your kid  gets when you let your punk friends take the child for a haircut,  or Why Bill Gates is just Now Learning What Dog food Tastes Like (He is retired in a New York walk up and reduced to this?) and  Just what does happen if you wear lipstick?

If I click too fast on my online bank, I am locked out time and again, until they decide that I am an intruder and I have to call the bank to reset my password. I am now on a first name basis with the woman who does this. So, the internet is forcing me to slow down and Meditate on which button to push next. Such decisions! No wonder I don’t have time to finish all my projects.

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First, let me state that I do not care what religion anyone has/is, anymore than I care who or how many partners anyone wants.  That is strictly, in my opinion, a persons own private choice.  I do not believe the government has the right to legalize or outlaw either.  I have never understood what right the government has to license marriage or agree to divorce; other than to settle property and keep people from strangling each other.

I was also called on the “red” thing, for the FLDS.  I have never had direct contact with anyone in the FLDS.  My daughter and son-in-laws religion is strictly their own.   I base my thoughts  on what I have read and heard through interviews.  When the children were first removed from the FLDS compound, I saw an interview with a woman who was helping care for the children.  She stated that they had to learn to deal with the FLDS children in a whole new way.  They were not aware of things that children in our world were used to, like crayons and they could not allow the outside children to wear the color red or give the FLDS children a red toy because they feared red; they had been taught that red was the color of the devil.  This is not my belief and perhaps she was wrong.  She was there and dealing with them, so I thought she should know. 

I also do not feel that anyone HAS to be brainwashed to have the same religious believes that the FLDS does.  I did not mean to imply that.  I am a big proponent of freedom of religion and I think that everyone has the right to believe as they wish.  I have friends who are WICCA, Catholic, Buddhist, Protestant and atheists; and probably other religions, because I don’t ask, so I don’t know.  I do not care what religion someone is.  That is their personal business.  Obviously, there are a lot of men who believe in the FLDS religion.  I do not believe they are brainwashed and I do believe that there are women in the compound who would not want their lives to be any other way, and who love having sister-wives.

However, that said, if there is one seventeen year old girl in that compound who does not want to be married to a fifty year old man, I believe she should not have to run away to the local gas station to make a clandestine phone call to a relative to come and help her leave, or wait months until her husband is gone, so she can sneak her children out.  On the other hand, if there is a boy who does not want to leave, he should not be kicked out in the desert either.  I have heard too may stories of this and seen too many interviews and I do not know of anything that proves these women or boys (who used to be in the compound) were lying.

Let us not forget Warren Jeffs is currently serving ten years to life for charges including rape as an accomplise, for facilitating marriages of young girls to older men.  I recommend you check out this web site.  Warren Jeffs – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  It has a list of Factual Account sources, books, documentaries, etc that might be very enlightening.

We will all see how the appeal goes, but the fact that the FLDS Church owns essentially all of the homes may have lead the police to treat their individual homes as one.  It is a shame that the authorities could not go into the compound in a manner so that they could have ensured they only took in those who were committing abuse, and protected the children who needed it.  The FLDS itself is responsible for some of that by changing names, switching families to different husbands, etc. 

I gotta say, folks, it’s just wrong to marry a 14 year old girl to anyone, as Jeffs did in 2002. That is a fact and can anyone tell me that it is not going on to this day, even with him in jail.  From what I am reading, it sounds as though his father wasn’t as bad.

I try very hard on my blog to be factual, but having taken in three abused grandsons, who were abused in the name of religion, it is hard for me to not be personally involved in this issue.  There are many forms of abuse, I believe the FLDS is guilty of quite a few and do not believe that the excuse of religion is a valid excuse to do so.   We all have our own opinion though, don’t we?

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