
Archive for May, 2009

We are having our spring rains.  It is the time of year when we have to trench away from EMT’s room so the water doesn’t pour in, and when our phone lines become party lines.  Irritating Little Chihuahua does not like the rain. 


She used to hate the thunder and lightning, and then I got a bottle of Valerian and gave her a drop on her tongue whenever she started getting upset over the thunder.  Now, she just hates the Valerian and doesn’t shiver over the thunder.  But, she still hates the rain.


Now, if I hated the rain, I would not take any more time than I had to in it.  She will ask to go out, and then stand on the porch, while we hold the screen door open.  She will stare at the rain, weighing her options as to how many raindrops will soak her.  If the number is too high, she will turn around and go back in the house to hold it a bit longer.  Sometimes she will move up and test the rain with her nose.


If the nose test is positive, then the head goes out.  If she has to go really bad, she will then move forward and go outside.  Now, is the part I do not understand.  If it was me, I would zip out there, squat, go and zip back in.  But, she will start sniffing the air, and then sniffing the grass, and then moving over two feet and doing it all over again.


I mean, you dumb dog, it took fifteen minutes to get you out the door.  You hide under beds to avoid your bath.   You once fell in the pond and didn’t leave the house for three days.  I mean, you know those awful pond monsters are waiting to throw you in again.  So, what’s the deal with sniffing for ten minutes in the pouring rain?


And, while I am at it, what is the deal with sleeping with your eyes open?  We are talking about sound asleep snoring, with her eyes wide open.  That is just too creepy for words. 

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